Friday, November 21, 2008

semester coming to an end...

Well when I looked at my agenda and saw that we only have 2 and a half weeks left of school I about died! Seriously, I have so much stuff to do! That explains me blogging at 7pm on a Friday night. As far as Science goes, we have our bloggs and discussions, along with our group lesson 3 and a presentation, but only have 4 classes left because next Tuesday we are going to judge the science fair in Beresford, SD. However, I am so excited for Thanksgiving break and the wonderful meal that goes along with it.

1 comment:

Cathy Ezrailson, Science Education, University of South Dakota said...

Glad you are excited, Brooke. Nice blog posts. It has been a while since I have responded but I have enjoyed reading them very much. Keep up the great work.
Dr. E