Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Today went so fast in class, I think is because the experiment kept us busy, and you know what they say, "time flies when you're having fun!" So today we did a lab, and one thing I liked, as a teacher stand point, is how Dr. E had all materials ready when we got to class so we could just get started right away. There were a lot of ingredients for today's experiment, and we started by mixing different forms of liquid to baking soda to see how it reacted. The vinegar really fizzed and caused lots of pressure to the syringe. Another one that reacted well was the lime juice, in fact this one made the syringe rise to the top because of all the fizzing pressure. We concluded, the more acid in the juice, the more reaction it causes. This was very interesting even for us to see, so I know younget students would have fun with this lab. Next, we tested chunks of fruit, this didn't cause nearly as much of a reaction because it wasn't as concentrated as the juices and had more surface area, so it didn't have much room to react. As for the fruit chunks, the lemon reacted the best to the baking soda because of its acid content. Overall this was a very interactive and fun learning experience and I will definately do this in my class one day.

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